This recipe has been in the family for YEARS! It is our favorite treat to have during holiday's and really ANY time of year. It is SOOOO simple.
Crispix Mix
2 cubes of Butta!
2 cups of Brown Sugar
1/2-3/4 cup light Karo Syrup
1 box Crispix Cereal
Supplies Needed:
1 Saucepan
1 Brown Paper Grocery Bag
Spatula & Bowl
**In a saucepan, heat the butter, sugar, and karo syrup till boiling.
**While you are waiting for the stove-top mixture to come to a boil, dump 1 box of Crispix cereal into brown paper bag and have it ready to poor your sauce into.
** Once your mixture has started to boil, poor into bag with cereal. Roll up the bag and give it a few good shakes each direction!
**Put into microwave for 3 minutes. After each minute passes, take out bag and shake again(be careful not to burn yourself, use hot pads if necessary).
**During this stage, prepare your foil on the counter. Lay out enough foil for the mix to be spread on. Usually two sheets the length of a jelly roll pan is plenty.
**Once the 3 minutes has finished, carefully dump out bag onto foil. Mixture will be VERY hot.
**Use a spatula to spread and allow to cool for 15 minutes.
Once cooled, put the mix into a fun bowl for snacking!
You will not stop eating this!